St. James Episcopal Church, Riverton, Fremont Co., Wyoming
This unidentified church photograph was floating loose in a photo album.
In order for my dad to have taken a picture of this church, it had to be one that had meaning for the family. The logs indicate a rural church rather than a city or suburban building. My best memory was Riverton, Wyoming, since I thought I remembered this church. I was too young to have remembered any of the churches in Montana. I googled Riverton, Wyoming to see if this inside matched the outside of photo of the local Episcopal Church. Totally NOT. I had never seen that building before.
I emailed the church, sent a photo, and asked if this was a possibly the inside of a church they would have used in the late 1950s or very early 1960s.
It was, and they were delighted to have a copy.
My best guess is April or May of 1961, after Easter, since the lilies are still up.